Sundance karstajām masāžas vannām jūs varat uzticēties. Kopš 1979. gada Sundance® nosaka Spa nozares kvalitātes, drošības un izturības standartu. Sundance® ir kļuvusi par akrila masāžas baseinu vislielāko ražotāju pasaulē, kura ir starptautiski atzīta par mūsdienu tehnoloģiju, moderna dizaina un novatorisma ieviešanu ūdens terapijas un masāžas sfērā. Kā ekluzīva sastāvdaļa, ietver patentēto Fludix™ sprauslu tehnoloģiju. Sundance® bija pirmais Spa ražotājs pasaulē, kas saņēma ISO 9001 sertifikātu.
Sundance Spa karstās vannas sniedgs jums iespēju:
- relaksēties ar siltu hidromasāžu;
- uzaicināt draugus, relaksēties sniegotā vakarā;
- pieredzi dziedināšanā ar siltā ūdens terapijas sprauslu strūklu;
- romantiku ar ūdenī virmojošām gaismām un ūdenskritumu;
Sundance ražo pieejamu pilnu karsto vannu līniju, kas atbilst jūsu dzīvesveidam un jūsu budžetam. Mūs plašo izvēli esam sadalījuši trīs sēriju kategorijās.
- relax while enjoying a warm water massage;
- invite friends and relax on a snowy evening;
- experience healing relief from warm-water therapy jets;
- see romantic possibilities in the sparkling light of a waterfall.
Sundance Select Series Hot Tubs

980 Series
The most complete set, the widest possibilities

For 5-7 people, depending on the model

880 Series
elegant, fully equipped
hot tubs

For 4-8 people, depending on the model

780 Series
ideal massage hot tubs with the widest range of options

For 2-7 people, depending on the model

680 Series
compact hot tubs for classical hydrotherapy

For 2-6 people, depending on the model
Spa and hot tub service
Quality ISO 9000 is a set of five quality assurance standards adopted by 90 countries around the world. ISO 9001 is the most comprehensive of the standards that applies to the design, development, manufacture, installation and maintenance of products or services.
Sundance® was the first hot tub manufacturer in the world to receive ISO 9001 certification. Although ISO 9001 certified processes are expensive and complicated, our task is simple: to ensure quality so that consumers do not return the hot tub. To maintain this certification, the manufacture and quality processes are monitored every 90 days.
Planning plays a key role in finding the perfect location for your hot tub.
Careful planning of the hot tub’s location in your home and/or yard is a very important part of the hot tub purchase process. When choosing the right place, consider the questions of privacy or accessibility. Ask yourself: “Does the hot tub look good here? Is it easy to access? Where should I have a privacy screen (a way to get the seclusion, protecting you from the eyes of strangers)?”
Access to the hot tub
Let the grass grow in the area of the yard separating the house and the hot tub. If you have planned a path to the hot tub, some stone slabs may be a perfect solution.
Arrange garden lighting
which will show the way to the hot tub even if it is dark outside. Sundance hot tubs also feature Coloured LED lighting, which will create an additional ambience complemented by water cascades and external spa lighting in selected models.

The Premium Outdoor online store offers the necessary professional chemicals for spas and hot tubs, water filters and other maintenance items. The goods offered are available in our store or warehouse, and we can also deliver them to you across Latvia.